
Nous recherchons de personnes pour qui nos valeurs, notre rêve et notre stratégie font sens. C’est pourquoi nos entretiens sont des moments d’échanges pour apprendre à se connaître mutuellement.
Nous sommes clairs sur nos attentes et le contexte des embauches. Nous prenons soin d’accompagner les nouveaux collaborateurs par des processus d’intégration adaptés aux enjeux du poste.
Nous invitons les nouveaux collaborateurs à nous faire part de leurs suggestions à travers un rapport d’étonnement.
Our metiers
The metiers of the industry deserve to be known. They are diverse as they offer practical prospects for the future, creativity and good salaries. Few examples:
It is the average age of the 408 group collaborators which highlights the proper balance between young talented persons and experienced profesionnals.
« “In September 2020, I joined the AMTE company with limited knowledges about some of the technologies which are used. I had the opportunity to benefit from an integration process which enabled me to discover all the sites and all technologies, as well as a lot of persons deeply involved in their metier. I have been able to develop my skills while creating links with teams. »
Annelise Lachat – Dynamic job offerings Manager